WT 10/15/96: "
There is a ton of counsel against being alone for young people. This is the only thing I found in a quick search that applies to elders.
i've been looking in the watchtower library all morning and can't find anything.. i know that jws have this rule (is it unwritten??
) where a brother and a sister should not be left alone in a car, a house, or any private place.
but my jw father says it's not so, and he spent a part of yesterday installing a computer program at a jw couple's house while the man was at work and the wife was at home.
WT 10/15/96: "
There is a ton of counsel against being alone for young people. This is the only thing I found in a quick search that applies to elders.
i don't know about anyone else, but even when i was 14 or 15 i had an issue with the fact that women are weaker vessels than men and we are to be submissive to our "head" of the house etc.... people just assumed i was a moody teenager trying to be cool by disagreeing with those scriptures but i was a feminist in the making.. i even asked an elder's wife about it and i said to her: "you're a headstrong woman, how do you feel about this?
do you think you should succumb to paul's every word and do as he says all the time??".
she replied: "i hate that scripture too sarah.
I read somewhere that religions rarely change from within. They respond to outside pressures. I think it's about time the WTBTS get's some outside pressure on its treatment of women.
"I read somewhere that religions rarely change from within. They respond to outside pressures. I think it's about time the WTBTS get's some outside pressure on its treatment of women."
Long past time. But it takes someone with an extraordinary interest in the issue, as well as the time and energy to push it, like the Silent Lambs dude or the Blood Reform folks. I wonder if the woman on The View who was raised a JW would be interested in pursuing it. . .
if the jws believe that their own persecution has been foretold in the bible, especially in the "time of the end" with governments turning on religion, then why do they try to fight it - if it is their destiny?
the most recent issue is russia banning their activity.
well if this is all part of the divine plan, then why resist?
JWs grow more under ban than they do with the worthless door to door work, anyway. It's FREE PR!
here is what the nwt says:.
"4and in answer jesus said to them: look out that nobody misleads you;5for many will come on the basis of my name, saying, i am the christ, and will mislead many.6you are going to hear of wars and reports of wars; see that you are not terrified.
for these things must take place, but the end is not yet.. 7for nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place after another.8all these things are a beginning of pangs of distress.. 9then people will deliver you up to tribulation and will kill you, and you will be objects of hatred by all the nations on account of my name.10then, also, many will be stumbled and will betray one another and will hate one another.11and many false prophets will arise and mislead many;12and because of the increasing of lawlessness the love of the greater number will cool off.13but he that has endured to the end is the one that will be saved.14and this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.
Those who don't seem to believe there is a second fulfillment to these verses and that they were fulfilled in the 66-70CE period, do you also not think there is a second coming of Christ at all? Or just that these verses in Matthew 24 don't apply to it?
has anyone seen the supposed number of the anointed from the memorial this year.
if not why aren't they putting this number out there, is it because the # has increased once again???
If the number is really over 10k, I see a few possibilities:
1. They release the number and explain it away as "new immature brothers in foreign lands."
2. They release the number and explain it with some Noo Lite.
3. They release a fake number that shows it going down again.
4*. There is always the chance that none of the numbers are "real" and the increase has been a setup for some Noo Lite they're hoping to release, but I don't think they're smart enough to plan ahead like that.
if the jws believe that their own persecution has been foretold in the bible, especially in the "time of the end" with governments turning on religion, then why do they try to fight it - if it is their destiny?
the most recent issue is russia banning their activity.
well if this is all part of the divine plan, then why resist?
Excellent point, or as Sylvia said, "word."
the last 3 weekends have seen 3 circuit assemblies in victoria with over 1000 attending each circuit.
yet only 10 baptised over the last 3 weeks, including 3 last weekend.
i can remember a few years ago when only 1 bro was baptised at a 2 day convention.. its funny, when 10-20 were being baptised at each circuit assembly back in the 1980s & early 90s it was always brought out that this was a sign of jehovahs blessing upon the org.
Yet in the service meeting announcements this week they read a letter from Big Brother stating that there was a 4% increase in peak publishers in 2009, a 9% increase in Bible studies, and they touted some huge baptism number, too, that I didn't manage to get written down.
There was an assembly in my region in the 2009 service year with 0 baptized. I've haven't seen double-digits get baptized for years, even at a district convention.
1) stop using internet,facebook,myspace,email,texting and spend more time studying and in service.. my mate quit their facebook page when we came home lol.
2) maybe i am just more tuned into it now, but they mentioned "apostate" a lot more this time around, espicially when talking about the internet.. it keeps me thinking, if there is nothing to hide, then why is there such a big push not to look?
it's like an ugly girlfriend not wanting her boyfriend to look at the girls on the beach .
I'd love to go to a different assembly some time, pretend to be a relatively new Bible study, and ask a bunch of tough questions to a bunch of people during the lunch break. Plant a couple dozen seeds. Drop the name of jwfacts and freeminds a few times. I've also considered making up a bunch of cards with website addresses on them and putting them on people's cars while they're inside the meeting.
i was just scheduling work things for dec and jan and it occured to me: we're almost to 2010. .
holy crap!
i thought we were supposed to be on our way to jupiter with a bunch of russians to save the hal computer by now!
I know one thing: I was supposed to be 31 years into the NEW SYSTEM by 2010!!!
i just spoke with my jw dad.
he said that the last days did not start in 1914. he said that the last days don't have a date for starting that it is a general time frame that we are living in now.
we know that because all of the signs of the last days are seen by everyone.. .
There was a thread a couple days ago on this idea of the last days signs being seen since 1914. (I started it :) ) Anyway, it's pretty clear that most of the sign of Matthew 24 has NOT happened to any significant degree since 1914. Things like earthquakes, famines and pestilences can be easily quantified as being steady or declining with a simple google search.